Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for answers? If you don’t find them here, use the contact form to ask. Please be patient as it will take approximately 2-3 business days to respond.

Thank you for using CW-FIT!

What are the advantages of CW-FIT?

That’s an easy one!

  • Increases student engagement
  • Increases positive classroom climate
  • Reduces problem behaviors

When was CW-FIT created?

CW-FIT has been used in classrooms since 2007 and continues to grow. It is a grant-funded project that was originally developed by Howard Wills and Debra Kamps to help teachers and students.

Is there a cost to CW-FIT?

Access to the online materials are free for all! Training packages are available. Request access or contact us for more information.

Does CW-FIT take time away from daily instruction?

Research has shown that instruction time increases along with student engagement when CW-FIT is implemented.

Why should I request access?

Access provides you with CW-FIT classroom materials to assist in implementing CW-FIT in your classroom!