
Did you know?

CW-FIT was designed using a tiered Positive Behavior Intervention Support model.

Class-Wide Effects for On-Task Behavior

Data from: Kamps, D., Wills, H., Bannister, H., Heitzman-Powell, L., Kottwitz, E., Hansen, B., & Fleming, K. (2015). Class-wide Function-related Intervention Teams “CW-FIT” efficacy trial outcomes. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17(3), 134-145.


…has been found to increase student and group on-task behavior!


…is associated with a decrease in student disruptive behavior!

• Disruptive Behaviors graph

Data from: Wills, H., Kamps, D., Fleming, K., & Hansen, B. (2016). Student and teacher outcomes of the Class-wide Function-related Intervention Team efficacy trial. Exceptional Children, 83(1), 58-76.

• Disruptive Behaviors graph

Data from: Wills, H., Kamps, D., Fleming, K., & Hansen, B. (2016). Student and teacher outcomes of the Class-wide Function-related Intervention Team efficacy trial. Exceptional Children, 83(1), 58-76.


…is associated with a decrease in student disruptive behavior!

Teacher Praise Graph

Data from: Kamps, D., Wills, H., Bannister, H., Heitzman-Powell, L., Kottwitz, E., Hansen, B., & Fleming, K. (2015). Class-wide Function-related Intervention Teams “CW-FIT” efficacy trial outcomes. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17(3), 134-145.


…has been shown to increase teacher praise!

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