
Did you know?

CW-FIT studies demonstrate  K-8 students show a 20-40% increase in engagement during instructional periods . These engagement gains translate into 1-2 periods per week of recovered learning time.

Over the course of the school year, this increase in engagement would provide an estimated equivalent of adding 36 lessons (elementary) to 72 lessons (middle school). Potential attendance gains with CW-FIT could greatly increase these estimates!

Class-Wide Effects for On-Task Behavior

Data from: Kamps, D., Wills, H., Bannister, H., Heitzman-Powell, L., Kottwitz, E., Hansen, B., & Fleming, K. (2015). Class-wide Function-related Intervention Teams “CW-FIT” efficacy trial outcomes. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17(3), 134-145.


…has been found to increase student academic engagement!


…is associated with a decrease in student disruptive behavior!

• Disruptive Behaviors graph

Data from: Wills, H., Kamps, D., Fleming, K., & Hansen, B. (2016). Student and teacher outcomes of the Class-wide Function-related Intervention Team efficacy trial. Exceptional Children, 83(1), 58-76.

• Disruptive Behaviors graph

Data from: Wills, H., Kamps, D., Fleming, K., & Hansen, B. (2016). Student and teacher outcomes of the Class-wide Function-related Intervention Team efficacy trial. Exceptional Children, 83(1), 58-76.


…is associated with a decrease in student disruptive behavior!

Teacher Praise Graph

Data from: Kamps, D., Wills, H., Bannister, H., Heitzman-Powell, L., Kottwitz, E., Hansen, B., & Fleming, K. (2015). Class-wide Function-related Intervention Teams “CW-FIT” efficacy trial outcomes. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 17(3), 134-145.


…has been shown to increase teacher praise!

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