What’s New

CW-FIT, formally known as Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams, will now be Class-Wide FIT. This change reflects the scope of research, experience, and expertise the intervention has gained demonstrating that CW-FIT is well suited for STEM classes as well as English and Social Studies. CW-FIT will continue to increase student academic engagement, improve student attendance, and complement the Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) program.


Upcoming Events

Join us for a CW-FIT Presentation! 

Iowa BEST Summit

Des Moines, IA, October 10-11

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California Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports 

Sacramento, CA, October 11-13

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In the Spotlight

Margaret Helwig,

Principal of Lakewood Elementary, shared her thoughts on why she chose CW-FIT for her school, what improvements she saw, and why she recommends CW-FIT.

Read More Here



Tier 1 Strong Announcement

What Works Clearing House (WWC) has published an intervention report on CW-FIT and assigned it the highest evidence rating “Tier 1 Strong” for CW-FIT – Student Behavior. Only 18 WWC published intervention reports have received the Tier 1 evidence ranking.

Click here to view the article.

Let Us Know! 

What’re your favorite reinforcers? Click the button below to let us know! We will feature the results in the next newsletter.

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