Introduction to CW-FIT’s Newsletter
This newsletter will provide readers with the latest updates of all things CW-FIT. When you hear the word intervention, do you think involvement? Action? Influence? Well, CW-FIT pertains to these aspects and others.
Currently CW-FIT team members are working on a grant that focuses on the scalability and sustainability of the intervention. This is being accomplished through the creation of a CW-FIT district coaching model and implementation supports.
This research will contribute to the evidence base and support of CW-FIT which involves improving academic engagement and achievement for students in need of services in elementary and middle schools.
Reminder: Any student can learn positive behavior. You can do this through building a positive community in the classroom. Alter the environment to create a space to teach students prosocial skills as well as reinforce and reward appropriate behaviors.

Emma Kitelinger is part of North Kansas City Schools and has been a part of the CW-FIT team for 1 year! Emma says her favorite part of CW-FIT is, “how CW-FIT allows all students to be successful and provides students with social skills they can use for their whole lives. My favorite lesson to teach is Ignoring Inappropriate Behaviors. It is something every single class I have had can use.” When Emma isn’t in the classroom she loves to travel and considers herself French at heart. She has been to Paris three times and can speak semi-fluent French. Emma has been doing great with CW-FIT and we know she will continue to be successful!
Brain Teaser: Myth or Fact?
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports reward students for what they are supposed to be doing.
Answer: Many students are not going to school with the foundational skills they need in order to be successful. Several reasons for this exist, involving disadvantaged backgrounds, cultural differences, and developmental issues. School is where students develop appropriate social and emotional skills. PBIS helps to establish behaviors that students will carry with them throughout their lives.
What is CW-FIT?
CW-FIT is an intervention for elementary and middle school classrooms that increases on-task behavior and teacher praise. CW-FIT uses a group contingency intervention to help students focus in the classroom and reduce classroom disruptions.
CW-FIT aims to increase teacher praise, reduce teacher reprimands, and to increase on-task behavior. When students are on-task, there is more time to teach and more time to learn.
CW-FIT provides training and support throughout intervention. Research assistants train teachers on the intervention and help implement it in the classroom.