CW-FIT is a multi-tiered classroom management system that improves student academic engagement and academic achievement while reducing disruptive behaviors and student absences. CW-FIT incorporates the use of group contingency and differential reinforcement to teach classroom expectations. This class-wide component consists of a group contingency where students earn points as part of teams by meeting classroom expectations and demonstrating academic engagement (e.g., completing assignments, and reading).

About CW-FIT
CW-FIT is designed to:
- Be used in a variety of grades and subjects
- Be implemented at the class-wide level
- Incorporate individualized components
- Be scalable & cost-efficient
- Easy for teachers to implement
Students not responding to the class-wide intervention receive targeted Tier 2 strategies including help cards or self-management.
Summary of Evidence
Our publications page has a comprehensive list of Peer Reviewed Articles with links for those that are free on the ERIC website.
in the Classroom
- Multi-tiered classroom management
- Increases student academic engagement
- Decreases disruptive behaviors
- Improves praise to reprimand ratio
- Compliments current teaching routines